Alberta is one of Canada’s most powerful provincial economies attracting newcomers from all over Canada as well as the rest of the world. It is known for its fossil energy, agriculture, forestry, education, tourism, and hospitality as well as its manufacturing industry providing jobs in Canada for thousands of people.
As a combined result of the number of jobs created by a strong economy, the number of temporary foreign workers in the province and the increased tightening of federal immigration programs, the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) has become one of Canada’s most popular immigrant recruitment programs, offering Canadian permanent residency to skilled foreign workers and entrepreneurs. The AINP also offers fast-tracked application processing times with its new online portal which has decreased processing times to as little as 4 to 6 months!
Let’s take a closer look at the Alberta PNP to find out if it’s the right way for you to immigrate to Canada.
What Is the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)?

The Alberta Provincial Nominee Program PNP or AINP is an immigration program that lets the province hire skilled workers who have the right work experience and training needed to fill in-demand jobs in Alberta.
Below are the 3 Canadian immigration streams under the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program:
Alberta INP Categories
International Graduate Entrepreneur Stream
Those who successfully apply to immigrate to Canada through the program can get permanent residence when they receive a Provincial Nomination (PN) from the province. In order to qualify for all PNPs you will also need the following:
Medical Certificate;
Police Clearance;
Security Checks; and
Federal Checks.
If you succeed in getting a nomination from the province, you, your spouse or partner, and your dependent children can apply for permanent residence in Alberta.
Alberta Express Entry Stream
This program allows the province of Alberta to nominate a limited number of candidates from the Express Entry system. Candidates with strong ties to the province or those who will add to the economy of Alberta will be asked to submit an application via a notification of interest. International graduates who have graduated from Canadian institutions may also be nominated.
If you would like to apply to immigrate to Canada through this stream you will have to satisfy all of the following personal eligibility requirements.
Alberta Express Entry Stream Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry ProfileYes (Minimum Comprehensive Ranking System score of 300)
Connection to ProvinceNo
Job OfferNo
Language ProficiencyExpress Entry Requirements (CLB 7 for FSWP and CEC; CLB4 for FSTP)
Level of EducationExpress Entry Requirements (tertiary qualification, high school and/or job-specific training or on-the-job-training)
Work ExperienceExpress Entry Requirements (1 year for FSWP and CEC; 2 years for FSTP)
AgeExpress Entry Requirements
Income/Settlement FundsYes
Average Processing Time4 - 6 months
Alberta Opportunity Stream
The Alberta Opportunity Stream allows foreign workers to apply to immigrate to Canada if they have a full-time offer of employment in Alberta and are already living and working in the province to apply for permanent residence in Canada under the Alberta Provincial Nominee Program.
If you would like to apply to immigrate to Canada through this stream you will have to satisfy all of the following personal eligibility requirements.
Alberta Opportunity Stream Eligibility Requirements
Express Entry Profile No
Connection to Province Work Experience
Job Offer Yes
Language Proficiency NOC 0, A or B - CLB 5 or higher
NOC C or D - CLB4 or higher
Level of Education High School Diploma/Certificate
Age No
Work Experience At Least 12 months
Income/Settlement Funds No
Average Processing Time 4 - 6 months (AIP Online Portal)
15 - 19 months (paper application)
Please note that your occupation must not feature on the ineligible occupations list in order for you to qualify to apply under this stream. To find out if your occupation is eligible, visit our Alberta In-Demand Jobs in Canada page.
Post Graduation Work Permit Applicants
If you have a Post Graduation Work Permit and would like to apply for Canadian permanent residence under this stream, you will also need to have a job related to your previous tertiary qualification obtained outside of Canada, if:
Your Alberta credential program started on or after April 1, 2019; and
Have completed an Advanced Education approved one-year post-diploma or post-baccalaureate certificate.